Hugex Chronograph

CaliberValjoux 92
DetailsSize 34/1x/17 (w/h/lug mm)
Decimal bezel
Crown replaced jan 20
LinksSimilar watch sold
Repair of a Valjoux 92 / “Hugex”

Huga Watch Co.

Huga Watch Co. from Switzerland appears to have been a major movement supplier to Eberhard & Co. or  possible even a subsidiary of Eberhard & Co.  At some point, they decided  to launch their own brand of professional chronographs branded as Hugex.  Very few of these exist and the brand was short lived for unknown reasons.  

Decimel bezel

Far less common than the tachymetre, the decimal bezel divides the minute into 100 parts allowing for the decimal conversion of time. Used primarily for industrial and scientific timing operations – to make calculations of time or cost prices – the decimal bezel is used in conjunction with the chronograph allowing you to measure and translate time into decimal values in a controlled environment.

The classic example provided by Omega in its vintage Speedmaster manual describes a calculation to estimate the time taken to cut a screw. By starting the central seconds hand of the chronograph when the production-line worker picked up the screw and stopping it when he picked up the second screw, the overseer could come up with a decimal reading making life simpler when having to make longer calculations.

On the inside… the Valjoux 92